OfficeBuddy — a small-scale DDD app
Today, I published OfficeBuddy — my pet project which I’ve been working on for the past year in my spare time. It’s a simple office management application, which I created to expand my knowledge about some new areas and reinforce the knowledge of the ones I already know.
Things you’ll find in this project:
- small-scale DDD approach
- purely functional backend written in Scala with Cats Effect
- tests written using Weaver and Mockito Scala
- mobile-first frontend written in Angular using mostly GitHub Copilot (it turns out it’s quite good!)
- …and probably more to come in the future if I continue the development 😄
If you want to check how a small-scale DDD approach can be implemented in Scala (~23K lines of code at the moment of writing this post), I encourage you to take a look at the repository. I enjoyed every minute of working on this project, and I hope you’ll find it interesting as well!
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.